We’ll do a clinic on how to more accurately shoot an AR rifle.
Garand's, M1A, M1 Carbines, any rifle with a 5 round magazine.
This event is for members and their invited guests.
For previous participants we'll start by shooting an informal 100yd modern military event format. 5 sighters, 10 shots in 13 minutes prone. 10 shots rapid fire prone from standing, 10 shots standing in 13 minutes. We should then have time to evaluate our targets and do some exercises to help improve accuracy.
For newcomers we'll zero guns as necessary and go over basic shooting principles and shoot some prone and standing. Please bring 50 rounds of ammo.
There is no cost for this event. Our first two events went fairly well, I think everyone enjoyed it and gained some information on how to improve their marksmanship.
If you’re interested in shooting out to 600 yds at Camp Atterbury, this would be a great preparation for that. We also hold some Sunday shoots with ARs in this format you might enjoy and this would be a good way to check it out.
Below are some photos from first (5/18) event.
BobW, SJV President